Dragon Door TriadXP Collection
Dragon Door Publications is your trusted guide for fast, safe and effective strength training. Dragon Door is best known for having launched the modern kettlebell movement in 2001, with the world’s first-ever kettlebell book, video and certification programs. Since then, Dragon Door’s programs have helped millions around the world achieve and maintain their desired fitness goals, whether they be in weight management, peak physical performance or robust conditioning.
In 2008, Dragon Door launched the modern calisthenics movement, with the publication of Paul Wade’s groundbreaking Convicting Conditioning series and subsequent calisthenics certification. As with Dragon Door’s original kettlebell programs, its bodyweight exercise programs have become the gold standard world wide for effective strength training without the use of weights or trips to the gym.
In 2020, Dragon Door continued its tradition as the trusted guide for innovative breakthroughs in effective strength training, when it introduced a new form of isometrics training based on the Isochain